Return to MidJourney

Here’s some more images generated using the image generating AI MidJourney.

There’s a sort of otherworldly feeling about what it generates.

Drow Priestess standing on a balcony
An Irish Woman – 1

For some reasons eyes remain a problem in the images which have been generated.
With that in mind I thought I would try some landscapes to see how the AI would handle those.

Wandering on the Moors – 1
Wandering on the Moors – 2
Brook within a forest

MidJourney – AI Drawings

I’ve recently taken to playing with MidJourney to create AI generated drawings. They’re certainly impressive if not a little unworldly.

Here’s a few created on a theme of the games we have been playing, namely 1920s Lovecraft mythos related.

1920s investigators with torches in a dark cave

Bottom left image upscaled

This time I tried to get one for Rock and Agatha using “1920s male and female investigate haunted house”

1920s male and female investigate haunted house

Rock and Agatha