Atlantis – OK let’s play along

I think I’m about to go down an Atlantis rabbit-hole after watching Joe Rogan interview Randall Carson.

Randell offers an interesting premise for how a series of islands could have at one time existed in the Atlantic and what might have occurred to result in the destruction/removal of said island(s).

That’s not to say I fully buy into the idea of a sea-faring civilization; I would expect more accounts than just Plato’s. But then again who’s to say there isn’t without looking.

The full interview on Spotify embedded below, it’s worth a listen for entertainment alone. Can’t vouch either way for the science though, so I’ll leave that to you to make your own assessment.

Best Card-Game: Citadels

If you buy one card game, the game you buy is Citadels.

Citadels: My well worn and abused copies

In Citadels, players take on new roles each round to represent characters they hire in order to help them acquire gold and erect buildings. The game ends at the close of a round in which a player erects his/her eighth building. Players then tally their points, and the player with the highest score wins.

This must rank as one of, if not the, most played games I have in my possession. Universally liked by both players new to board-games and those who are an old hand at them. Its a deceptively simple game with a good amount of depth.

Both versions contain beautifully illustrated cards, consisting of player role cards (the larger in the image below) and the district cards.

Citadel Cards: Get Covers for the roles. You’ll need them.

I’ve found that the player role cards are prime candidates for card protectors, we’ve played this many times in pubs and accidents happen 🙂

The aim of the game is to create a given number of districts whose costs are added up at the end of the game which occurs when the round is completed when a player places the required number of districts.

Each round consists of the players choosing a role card from a shuffled list.
Then using the order of the role cards the player take their turns.

With the role cards allowing you to either hinder another player, protecting your player or effecting the districts built in that turn.

The real skill and fun comes from attempting to second guess what roles the players have taken and attempting to counter them.

Welcome to 1980s

One of the nice side effects of the lockdowns has been that I’ve had the opportunity to get back into playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Over the last year some friends and myself have been playing weekly and we’ve made our way through the introductory campaign “Dragon of Icespire Peak”.

Having successfully completed the afore mention campaign an interest in meeting the Drow and hence we moved onto playing “Out the Abyss”.

A few months later the party has escaped their captors (at least for now) and find themselves in a position to return to the surface.

Assuming they do return topside and don’t fancy returning to the Underdark, the plan was to allow them to work their way though the “Dungeon of the Mad Mage” which would give a nice change of pace.

It’s more a straight forward dungeon crawl in classic DnD sense, much like the old Red-Box Basic DnD set I got in long long ago.

Which got me thinking maybe now is a good time to revisit “The Keep on the Borderland” one of the starting modules which was released with the Basic Set.

I remember pouring over the original module all those years ago, so getting a chance to revisit it all these years later to really appealing.

Hello world!

First post ! Sort of.

I figured it was time for a change around here. We have been running on VbSuite 4.5 for a good few years now and it served our purposes well during that time.

But that version of VbSuite is no longer compatible with later versions of PHP and has become end-of-life. Which means it is no longer receiving any updates, so has become a security liability.

Hence here we are once more, back in the WordPress fold.