AI Art Wallpapers

One of the things I like about AI Art is the surreal images it can generate which make for great wallpapers and general backgrounds.

Here’s a selection of fantasy themed images I’ve used for wallpapers or visual aids for use in roleplaying games.

Return to MidJourney

Here’s some more images generated using the image generating AI MidJourney.

There’s a sort of otherworldly feeling about what it generates.

Drow Priestess standing on a balcony
An Irish Woman – 1

For some reasons eyes remain a problem in the images which have been generated.
With that in mind I thought I would try some landscapes to see how the AI would handle those.

Wandering on the Moors – 1
Wandering on the Moors – 2
Brook within a forest

MidJourney – AI Drawings

I’ve recently taken to playing with MidJourney to create AI generated drawings. They’re certainly impressive if not a little unworldly.

Here’s a few created on a theme of the games we have been playing, namely 1920s Lovecraft mythos related.

1920s investigators with torches in a dark cave

Bottom left image upscaled

This time I tried to get one for Rock and Agatha using “1920s male and female investigate haunted house”

1920s male and female investigate haunted house

Rock and Agatha

Bad DnD Art

I’ve been playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons with a group for friends for the last year or so.

Starting with the starter campaign “Dragon of Icespire Peak”, followed by the first half of “Out of the Abyss” and then into one of smaller campaigns while the players level enough to tackle either the second part of the Abyss.

For the start of the sessions I’ve taken to capturing what happened previously in image form.

Allow me to present in crude pictorial format our story so far.

Life was hard in Gracklstugh
A final dash for freedom
The hero returns
The Miracle Of Phandalin
Say it isn’t so
I’m sure it will all work out

I know what you’re thinking… breathtaking.